Monday, May 7, 2012

Yesterday I turned 28

Yesterday I turned 28.

28 is almost 30.  28 is when your metabolism slows down and you're forced to live the rest of your life on carrot sticks and cottage cheese.  28 is when you're no longer allowed to shop at Urban Outfitters and instead have to shop at Anthropology even though you can't afford it.  28 is when you celebrate your birthday at a winery instead of a dive bar.  28 is when you start a blog.  Okay, that one only pertains to me.

A few things you should know about me (other than that I am 28):

1.  I can make any encounter awkward.  I used to be ashamed of this, but now I've come to accept and even enjoy it.  Meeting new people: Awkward.  Talking to my boss: Awkward.  Elevator rides: Awkward.  The dressing room at the gym: Awkward.  You get the picture.

2.  I cannot make a decision to save my life.  I can't decide what to eat, where to eat, what to wear to work, what to watch on TV, etc.  One time I went to a buffet and my brain exploded.  

3.  I have three dogs in a small one bedroom apartment.  That might not sound like that important of a thing to know, but it is.  I'm seriously one dog away from being a pet hoarder.  It's a sickness.

I'm sure there are other things about me, but I don't want to blow my wad on the first go round.  Here's the thing: this year I made a birthday resolution, and that resolution is... to conquer the internet.  Yeah that's right, I'm going to make the worldwide web my bitch.  I will be doing things like writing this blog, starting a twitter account, and... writing this blog.  So lookout world, you're about to be dominated by an awkward, indecisive dog hoarder.  And you're going to like it.

1 comment:

  1. We can't wait to hear what you've got up your awkward sleeve! Goooood Luck!
