Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Today's Moment of Awkward: Accidental Slurs

I was trying to make conversation with a somewhat awkward woman who was visiting my workplace and, of course, when someone else is awkward I become exponentially more awkward.  It's like when an awkward oxygen atom meets an awkward hydrogen atom and causes an awkward nuclear explosion.  (I don't know how science works.)

She mentioned that she and her partner had two kids, and then went on to refer to her partner as "she".  That's cool, I'm a big fan of the gays.  We went on to talk about their children, where they live, what her partner does for a living, etc.

I work on a TV show, so there was plenty to distract us from our somewhat stilted small talk.  One of the characters came out in a crazy costume that made him look like a homeless man from the 1940s.  My new lesbian friend made a reference to it and I agreed:

Me: "Yeah, he looks like a homo.  Hobo.  Hobo!"

Long silence.

Me: "Ho. Bo."

Longer silence.

Her: "Yeah..."

And that was today's moment of awkward.

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