Friday, May 25, 2012

Today's Moment of Awkward: Texting Troubles

Okay, this is a big one.  I think this might be in my top ten awkward moments of my life.  I have an ex-boyfriend, let's call him Argos*.  Argos was the type of boyfriend that all your friends hated (mostly because he's a total D-bag) but you were totally infatuated with (probably because he's a total D-bag).  So of course, three days before Valentine's Day, he unceremoniously dumped me.

It took me about six months to get over him, and that's when he started calling me again.  He was all "hey, how's it going, we should hang out or something" and I was all "hehehehehehehe, I don't know, I'm pretty busy, heheheheh, I WANT TO SEE YOU ALWAYS."  He invited me to go see a movie with him, which seemed pretty safe.  I mean if it's awkward you just don't talk, and then two hours later it's over.  Also, my roommate was out of town, so there was no one to explain to me that this was a very bad, ridiculous, stupid, horrible idea.  Except through text, which she did.  Although kind of subtly.  It was like:  "This doesn't seem to be a good idea, but if you think it is, go for it."  But in my head all I read was: "go for it".

As I walked to the subway, I was still texting back and forth with my roommate.  I was also texting back and forth with Argos.  (You may be able to guess where this is going.)   Suddenly I get a text from him that says: "I'm at a friend's party and I'm already kind of drunk.  Why don't you just come meet me here?"  In other words: RED ALERT.  RED ALERT.  RED ALERT.  But I was already halfway to the subway... so....

I furiously wrote a text to my roommate: "Now he wants me to come to a party.  This seems like a really bad idea, I'll probably end up hooking up with him and falling in love with him again.  But I mean... I'm pretty much at the subway... so..."

She didn't respond to that one and, since no one told me not to, I got onto the subway.  Then, just as the doors were closing I got a response.  From Argos.  It read: "You sent that to me."  Then the doors closed.  If you've ever lived in New York you know that once the door shut there is no way you're getting reception until you're above ground again.

Needless to say, we did hook up.  Also needless to say, it turned out to be a very bad, ridiculous, stupid, horrible idea.

*  Despite the fake name I decided on, he was not a wizard, or a Greek city.  As far as I know.

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